
initial data for NCM is the program text for a certain machine (G-code)
and the file defining CNC. Besides, part models, components and workpieces
can be loaded from STL files. NCM is designed for working both with
the handmade programs and the programs created with the help of any
CAM system. In the second case one can import all the necessary additional
data (tools, workpiece) from CAM system. In
both cases one can either edit or recreate these data from within
NCM. Besides, NCM allows to edit a program text with the immediate
display of the changes made in the graphical window. NCM provides
you with an opportunity to imitate a program execution in various
modes: from a mere trajectory drawing to a realistic imitation of
the removal procedure a workpiece material. in any mode a user has
an access to all current information about coordinates of any point
of a workpiece, a tool, a trajectory as well as all information about
CNC status (feed, speed, mode, etc.). Hence, NCM is a compact product
easy to cope with which can significantly simplify the work with all
the variety of programs for NC machines irrespectively of their origin.